However, MIL and I have different viewpoints on darn near everything that exists or could exist or existed in the past or will exist in the future. Let me give you some examples. Dear MIL likes to feed the children bananas. That's good, since bananas are so healthy. However, after about the third banana in a day, they tend to have trouble, um..., err..., producing in the bathroom. Apparently, this is not her concern since it generally occurs after her departure.
According to the in-laws, the 6 year old child who loves salad, carrots, celery, vegetable soup, corn on the cob, broccoli, and spinach is insufferably picky because he doesn't like fruit and prefers to avoid beef if possible. Ok so everyone has an opinion, except they continue to ask him and me if he is any less picky each and every time we see them. Usually at each and every meal that we have together.
I was reminded to be careful to not let the 4 year old "escape" to the back yard, where he generally plays most days on his own.
I was instructed to nag my husband to do more home repair projects (his least favorite thing ever). I was clearly unaware that this was a constructive marital strategy.
I was informed that the clothes the children wore to the park to play in were not acceptable to wear for a nap since all that going down the slide made them so messy.
It became obvious that the paper towels, trash can, and most of my dishes and silverware must not live in the correct spots since they were rearranged within hours of the in-law's arrival.
Clearly I am slacking in my parental duties because the just-turned-2-year-old is not enrolled in preschool, piano lessons, dance lessons, or charm school. Whatever is that child doing with all her free time?
There seems to be some confusion concerning the connection between bedtimes and the crankiness factor of my children. While I get the Meanest Mommy award for saying when they should go to bed, I also get the Ineffective Parent Commendation when they are little demons the next day.
I do love a good date night and in-laws who are willing to babysit at the drop of a hat. But I am thoroughly thankful that a four hour drive keeps the visits rare enough and short enough to continue having such appreciation.
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