Friday, February 13, 2015

One Perfect Day

So today was a fairly typical--and good--day. So was yesterday. Wednesday? Not so much. We had to do math. Everyone was cranky. The Internet was broken. Everyone was super cranky. I didn't win the Powerball. OK, so I didn't actually play the Powerball. Still disappointing, no?

But Tuesday? Oh, my was a day to remember. This was Tuesday:

My desk is clean. My kitchen is clean. Dinner is simmering on the stove. I put away the last of the Christmas decorations today. (Yes, I know it’s February. Hushhushhush.) We did (almost) everything I had planned for school today, except the child who read Maze Runner in its entirety between 10 AM and 6 PM today quietly in his room. (I’m so totally OK with that.) Two of my children are playing. Outside. Like, with each other. As in, not with anything electronic. As in, actual playing and not pretending to play while beating each other with foam swords. There is laundry yet to fold, but even so, I can see only three possible explanations for this situation.

  1. Some less-than-once-a-millennium astrological alignment of planets, moons, stars and asteroids is happening today.
  2. A powerful sorcerer decided I deserve some good karma (or maybe just that my hair looks nice) and placed a kick-ass love/kindness/cleanliness/peace/happiness spell over me and my home today.
  3. The poo is about to hit the fan, and I should enjoy this while it lasts instead of asking why or folding laundry.
If this were a multiple choice test, I’d pick A. Or maybe B. We’re not gonna talk about C. I’m just going to enjoy this while it lasts. And give thanks to the universe that I can’t really complain about my life any day, but some days….oh, some days are so magical, they just need to be written down to remember forever. 

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